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Our Services

We act as implement partners for automation companies and help our end clients with RPA,Testing & Automation services.

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a software virtual workforce to perform repetitive tasks that are currently being done by humans. The bots emulate the activities using the existing platforms and applications that a company is currently using.

OneOfficeAutomation has designed an Intelligent RPA the way you think. A revolutionary feat of software technology set to become a core component of all modern software over the coming years and decades. RPA enabled Artificial intelligence (AI) emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like human workforce.

Business intelligence and analytics are extremely connected and interlaced in their approach towards resolving business issues and providing insights on past and present data, and defining future decisions

RPA maintenance and support services follows an industry standard framework with phased stages for transition, stabilization, and services delivery.

We have a strong pool of talented and experienced engineers of various roles eager to take up challenging assignments. Our professional services include discovering, developing, implementing and training robotic solutions to our clients and partners.

We are always eager to partner with new technology companies and help end clients with implementation activities.